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Campbell UMC Ministries

"Let the children come unto Me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven..."
Campbell UMC is a place where children are invited in and welcomed as members of the Body of Christ. We focus on age-and-stage appropriate ORANGE-brand children's curriculum to teach our kids all about God and God's unending love!
Children's Sunday School 9:30 am
Sunday Children's Church
(pre-K to grade 2)
or Nursery 10:45 am

great leaders, friendly fun!
Campbell Kids learning about God's Word!

Our children's programming frequently involves
Creative Arts: music,
visuals, crafts, & more!

Following our Children's Moment in 10:45 Sunday Worship, Children's Church
is available for ages pre-K through grade 2!
Nursery is also available during 10:45 Sunday Worship!
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