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Campbell UMC Ministries
Each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m., Campbell offers several welcoming adult Sunday school classes. Additional adult groups meet throughout each month on different weekdays, also.
Below are the adult education & ministry opportunities at Campbell UMC.

Adult groups, whether ongoing or short-term, are a great way to grow your faith and make connections.

Wednesdays September to Nov. & Jan. to April; 5:30 pm Meal; Activities 6 to 8 pm

leader: Natalie Stacey
meets Wednesdays Sept.-May 6-8 pm

leaders: Carolyn Holdren & Mary Jane Auld
currently meeting Room 222 on Sundays at 9:30 am

meets 1st Tuesday of each month at 10 am

meets 2nd Friday of each month at 11 am

leader: Debbi Bennett
currently meets Room 223 on Sundays 9:30 am
leader: Bill Ed Huff
meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month;
hosts annual Lenten Fish Dinner Fundraiser event.

leader: Mimi Kraemer
meets 2nd or 3rd Thursday monthly - time & location TBD

Monthly women's gatherings with various leaders &
activities - call 417-881-2018 for more information!

meets most weeks on Monday afternoons
leader: Deke Budd; meets seasonally on Wednesdays 6:30 pm

leader: Glenn Auld
Encouraging participation in service & mission outreach by coordinating over 10 groups that provide assistance & volunteers to area ministries.

leader: Linda Kelly
Sharing the love of God with our church family, homebound members, and the community by providing emotional and spiritual support. Team meets quarterly.
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